
Youth Volunteer Program 

Ages 14 – 17

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at the Art Gallery of Peterborough. We are not in a period of active volunteer recruitment and all of our youth volunteer programs are full at this time.

Our next planned recruitment will be to support our 2025 March Break program. Please check back as opportunities become available.

Briar Sutherland
Communications & Volunteer Coordinator

Adult Volunteer Program

Ages 18 +

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at the Art Gallery of Peterborough. We are not in a period of active volunteer recruitment and all of our adult programs are full at this time.

Our next planned recruitment will be in the Fall 2024 season. Please check back as opportunities become available.

Briar Sutherland
Communications & Volunteer Coordinator

Student Placement Opportunities

High School, College, and University

The Art Gallery of Peterborough offers a variety of placement opportunities for High School, College, and University students in our Education Department. If you are interested in fulfilling a placement at the gallery, please contact:

Andrew Ihamaki
Education Programming Coordinator

For questions about the Art Gallery of Peterborough’s Volunteer Programs, please contact:

Briar Sutherland
Communications & Volunteer Coordinator
Art Gallery of Peterborough
E: bsutherland@peterborough.ca
T: 705 743 9179 x 2024

For questions about High School, College, and University course placement opportunities, contact:

Andrew Ihamaki
Education Programming Coordinator
Art Gallery of Peterborough
E: aihamaki@peterborough.ca
T: 705 743 9179 x 2025

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