Rowena Dykins: Riparian

Full-colour publication documenting the exhibition Rowena Dykins: Riparian (AGP: March 11 to May 8, 2011)

Price: $15.00

Available for purchase in the AGP Gallery Shop or over the phone by calling us at: 705 743 9179
(Toll free: 1 855 738 3755)

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Essays by Carla Garnet and Jonathan Bordo.

The word riparian describes a zone that functions as an interface between land and water; here, it also suggests a kind of spiritual transmutation made possible through the contemplation of the beautiful or the sublime, found both in nature and in art. Dykins’ abstracted landscapes take the form of aerial images, which alternatively reflect topographical mapping of real geography and the possibilities of serenity and promise, while also suggesting the potential for self-definition and spiritual growth.

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