
Private: Anshul Roy

Anshul Roy (b. 1997) is a visual artist from Ahmedabad, India, pursuing his MFA in Art Photography from Syracuse University in Syracuse, NY. He received a B.Tech in Biological Sciences and Bioengineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, in 2020, where he became interested in the intersection of STEM and Arts and how these diverse knowledge systems could work together.

Roy bases his current artistic practice on a critical paradigm related to Postcolonial discourses, exploring issues like identity, historical memory and cultural representation, with a specific interest in probing how Britishers employed photography in colonial India for “othering” and how these ethnographic photos exist in our contemporary institutional archives.

He has exhibited his work at :iidrr Gallery (Manhattan, NY), Light Work (Syracuse, NY), Manifest Gallery (Cincinnati, OH), Drewelowe Gallery (Iowa City, IA), Praxis Gallery (Minneapolis, MN), Black Box Gallery (Portland, OR), Photoworks (San Francisco, CA), PhotoPlace Gallery (Middlebury, VT) and Arpana Art Gallery (Delhi, India). Roy has previously worked as a photojournalist for the Indian newspaper The Hindu, and two of his documentary projects have won Honorable Mentions in the International Photography Awards.

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