
Private: Calla Moya

Calla Moya (Canada) is a queer, racialized, and disabled artist born in Brantford, Ontario, working in film, performance, and visual arts. Her practice focuses on the materiality of media, including the body, film, and digital apparatus to explore the ways in which material presence is engaged through tactile experience. Using reflexivity as a modus operandi to balance the tensions between improvisation and prescriptive rules, her work often foregrounds the interplay between image, text, gesture, and other elements. She received a BA in Cultural Studies and Philosophy from Trent University (2018). Her films remnanthood (2022); Collapse (2021); pas d’apparat corps (2020); My friend, the don valley (2020); blonde asian (2018); Anxiety (2018); and Palace of Gold (2016) have been exhibited at venues nationally and internationally, including the Museum of Contemporary Art (Toronto), Artspace, the8fest Small-Gauge Film Festival, Museum London, Vtape, London Ontario Media Arts Association, Regent Park Film Festival, and Festival Phénomena, among others. She is the recipient of awards, fellowships, and grants, including residencies at Lake Studios, Saw Video, and Studio 303. Moya is a 2022 Museum London and Media City Film Festival Southwest Seen commission artist. She lives and works in London, Ontario.

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