
Private: Cath Adele

Cath Adele works with textiles, stitching, tearing, dyeing. Her practice includes stitching blindfolded with the resulting marks appearing as hieroglyphics. Recent work includes textile books made in southern Italy using natural dyeing processes with local pigment, She is currently working on a series of textile scrolls in response to Peterborough’s iconic Jackson Park environment.

Cath is a graduate of the Fine Arts program at Georgian College and now works from her straw bale studio in Peterborough. Her exhibitions include The Gladstone, Toronto 2018, The Quest Gallery, in Midland 2017, and Propeller, Toronto 2014.


installation of vertically hanging fabrics

Conductive Threads, mixed textiles, 2018


Selections: 35th Annual Kawartha Autumn Studio Tour

Peer Christensen, Park & Lansdowne St., Peterborough, oil on canvas, 2019

Plan Your Visit: Check our Holiday and Summer Hours for July & August!

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