
Private: Cydnee Hosker

Cydnee Hosker has been working in art education in the Peterborough area for 30 years. Although she has primarily been involved in secondary school visual arts education, she has provided workshops in the community and has taught at Sir Sandford Fleming College. Cydnee considers herself a painter. She has been a part of several group shows in the area and has exhibited her work at various cafes, shops and galleries including ARTSPACE, The Art Gallery of Peterborough and The Hamilton Gallery of Art. Seven years ago, she found herself standing at the front of a photography class for the first time. Although it was a challenge, it quickly became a labour of love. The result of this new found relationship sparked her fascination with alternative photographic processes. The cyanotype is such a process.


It’s All About ART: Preview Exhibition

Indwelling, 2022, mixed media, 36" x 36" (from the 2022 exhibition: Between the Lines)

It’s All About ART: Preview Exhibition

Oct 6, 2023 to Oct 22, 2023

Plan Your Visit: Check our Holiday and Summer Hours for July & August!

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