
Private: Elayne Windsor

Elayne Windsor is an award winning collage artist based in the Kawartha Lakes. Her work is displayed in galleries across Ontario and has recently been exhibited in California. Elayne is the Meeting and Events chair of our local “Kawartha Arts Network “(KAN) as well as an elected member of the “Ontario Society of Artists” (OSA) and the “Colour and Form Society” (CFS). Elayne creates collage and décollage, focusing on the beauty inherent in paper itself. The paper is sourced from old books, maps, playing cards, sewing patterns, scrapbook material or the trash. Elayne’s pieces contemplate the life that is left in our waste. Paper speaks to the slow world in juxtaposition to our fast electronic world. Each scrap of paper holds a memory, perhaps of a news article, a vacation, a night playing cards…. Elayne’s work spreads these memories out in front of you.

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