
Private: Eric Cameron

Eric Cameron is an artist and teacher, presently University Professor and Professor of Art at the University of Calgary, where he has instructed mainly drawing classes since leaving NSCAD in 1987. He is best known for his Thick Paintings, which he worked on from 1979 to 2009: objects that he has painted with thousands of layers of gesso, changing everyday things into art objects that he says reveal the “mode of being in the world.” These have now given way to Dipped Paintings, which he entitles individually and collectively Thanatos. Cameron’s numerous awards include the 2004 Governor General’s Award and the 1994 Gershon Iskowitz Prize.


White Canvases: Six Painters Respond to Suzanne Swannie

Turned Canvas with Three-Line Lattice and 'Kipper' Inlay

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