
Private: Fiona Crangle

Through her figurative paintings and drawings, Fiona Crangle studies moments of shift and change that demand a rewriting of a person’s worldview. Her work often appropriates gestures and narratives from art history, and places them within a contemporary context. Crangle holds a B.F.A. and a B.Ed..and runs a mentoring style studio space. She also cofounded and is currently on the curatorial committee of a grass roots art centre, Critical Mass, which engages her town of Port Hope in contemporary art experiences through residencies, installations and community projects.



Foreground: Jessica Hanzelkova; From Left: lo scott, Alison Postma, Emma Aurelia, David Yu, Tara Lynn MacDougall


Nov 26, 2020 to May 2, 2021

Plan Your Visit: Check our Holiday and Summer Hours for July & August!

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