
Private: Janet Dey

About the Artist:

Janet Dey is a Toronto-based visual artist whose work explores matters of the mind, time, and our talent for invention and elaboration. Dey’s work often integrates photographs, text and fiber to explore concepts and deepen ideas. Through photography, painting, sculpture, drawing and fiber arts, her lifelong study has focused on the figure. Technical skills developed with fiber and Japanese paper include hand and machine embroidery, weaving, and book making.

Dey was born in Ontario, grew up in Montreal, and graduated from Queen’s University. Dey is represented by Stephen Bulger Gallery, Toronto. Her work can be found in private collections in Canada and the US.

rural roadside Casino in Montana USA

Blue Moon, 2012, archival pigment on 100% rag paper, 19.5″ x 31.5″

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