
Private: Joe Fleming

Joe Fleming’s paintings have a decidedly sculptural pull, representing the artist’s experimentation with form, texture, materiality and possibility. Fleming juxtaposes gestural abstraction with graphic silhouettes of colour and employs industrial polycarbonate – altering his surfaces with scratches that contribute a screen-like translucence and allow for the interplay of light and shadows.

Fleming has exhibited internationally for over 15 years with numerous solo exhibitions in Singapore and most recently at Mike Weiss Gallery in NYC. His paintings are included in numerous private and public collections, such as Prince Waterhouse Coopers (Malaysia), BMO Financial Group, Canadian High Commission (Kuala Lumpur), The Edmonton Art Gallery, The Museum of Civilization (Hull, Quebec); and the Holocaust Museum (Los Angeles). Fleming lives and works in Toronto,Canada.

Plan Your Visit: Check our Holiday and Summer Hours for July & August!

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