
Private: Keith Thirgood

About the Artist:

“My rationale for painting is capturing my emotional response to the view. My approach to painting depends upon my mood, the conditions and is often a direct response to the subject matter. I prefer to paint landscapes, including urban and village-scapes. Much of my painting is done out of doors, en plein air. With most subjects, I reach for my acrylics and, working loosely, attempt to capture that essence before I lose the emotion that tempted me in the first place. I work quickly, usually on a board stained with a coloured ground. After doing a value sketch I try to simplify the scene into shapes and then fill them in with strong colours.”


Selections: 34th Annual Kawartha Autumn Studio Tour

Looking Up, 2017

33rd Annual Kawartha Autumn Studio Tour: Selections

Lynn River, 2012

Plan Your Visit: Check our Holiday and Summer Hours for July & August!

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