
Private: Lili Vahamaki

About the artist: 

Lili Vahamaki is a multi-disciplinary artist who often blurs the lines between disciplines. Originally coming from a painting and drawing background, her practice has recently shifted to ceramics fuelled by an interest in exploring the realm of functional artwork.

Lili’s current body of work focuses on exploring ideas of nature and functionality, creating vessels to hold indoor houseplants. For Lili, the subject of the vessel instructs its visual form abstractly, through gentle undulations and exposed clay bodies.


Kawartha Autumn Studio Tour: Selections

Miguel Hernández Autorino, Why I Left, 2022, oil on canvas KAST 2022 Selections Exhibition

Kawartha Autumn Studio Tour: Selections

Jul 9, 2022 to Oct 2, 2022

Plan Your Visit: Check our Holiday and Summer Hours for July & August!

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