
Private: Marianne Collins

Born in London/Deshkan Ziibing Ontario, Canada in 1983, Marianne Collins has been a practicing artist since 2006. Educated at NSCAD University in Nova Scotia/Mi’kma’ki, Canada, she has exhibited in group and solo shows across the country. Her work was awarded a Juno, has been commissioned by the CBC, and is in many collections in both Canada and the US.

Collins’ ongoing praxis examines subjects in various states of liminal emotion, and cusp states of loss, reflection and recollection. Diagnosed with intermittent complete heart block in 2021, a condition in which the heart suddenly stops without warning, Collins began reckoning through her work with previous close calls and death-skirtings formerly un-articulated. These works speak to themes of awakening, revision, altered personal history, and what lives unacknowledged within.

Marianne Collins currently lives in Hubbard’s, Nova Scotia/Mi’kma’ki, Canada, with her partner and children.

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