
Private: Megan Cole

About the Artist:

Megan Cole is a self-taught portrait sculptor who has developed her practice through the guidance and expertise of several mentors. Inspired by the human form, and by the natural world she sees within these endless narrative possibilities.

Working primarily in clay, with a preference for porcelain, Megan creates plaster or resin casts of her work. Her sculptures are figurative representations, often of the fragmented body; with a particular focus on the human face. Megan’s work is inspired by the classical traditions of European sculpture.

Megan emigrated to Canada from South Africa with her husband and young children in 1999 and now lives in Lakefield, Ontario, with her husband and three children, and works from her home studio there.



Foreground: Jessica Hanzelkova; From Left: lo scott, Alison Postma, Emma Aurelia, David Yu, Tara Lynn MacDougall


Nov 26, 2020 to May 2, 2021

Plan Your Visit: Check our Holiday and Summer Hours for July & August!

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