
Private: Paul Cade

Paul Cade was born in Timmins, Ontario. He studied art at Beal Tech in London, the Ontario College of Art and the New School of Art in Toronto and later went on to study under Canadian artist, Joyce Wieland. He has worked as an illustrator, graphic designer, art director and film director.

In 2004 Cade returned to his first passion: creating visual art. Having no set purpose, Cade let go of formalities and started to play. A little more than a decade later Cade is still playing. His work has continued to evolve both in content and use of material. It is his insatiable, child-like, curiosity that fuels his work. His optimism and notion of humanity, our inter-connectedness, our identity and these ideas in their many shades of influence is the underlying spirit in his work.

Cade sees beauty virtually everywhere, in texture, colour, form, and even in decayed and abandoned articles. The world’s clutter is his art supply store. While working on several projects at a time, he thinks nothing of starting in an entirely new direction and exploration. Cade will leave a piece unfinished to be rediscovered and revisited at a later time. As a dear friend of Cade’s once observed: “Your life-long mantra seems to be the recurring question: “What if?” Cade’s work is a continuing exploration of this question.

When considering his art practice, the one thing he feels sure of is having no idea what is next. For Cade, life is a garden of infinite possibilities.


32nd Kawartha Autumn Studio Tour – Selections

Leanne Baird, Kawartha Autumn Studio Tour, 2016

Kawartha Autumn Studio Tour: Selections

John Climenhage, Kawartha Autumn Studio Tour, 2014

Kawartha Autumn Studio Tour: Selections

Sep 19, 2014 to Oct 19, 2014

28th Annual Kawartha Autumn Studio Tour Exhibition

Lucy Manley, Manley - 28th Annual KAST exhibition

Plan Your Visit: Check our Holiday and Summer Hours for July & August!

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