
Private: Rebecca Padgett

About the Artist:

Rebecca Padgett is a painter from Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. She currently paints in her studio on a farm just outside of Peterborough. She has been painting since 2006. She has attended a variety of workshops revolving around intuitive abstract painting in Ontario and New Mexico.

Her work consists of large-scale acrylic paintings on canvas, board and paper, which translate her life experiences into colour, shape and design. Padgett’s work was featured in Mud and Stardust at the AGP in 2016.



33rd Annual Kawartha Autumn Studio Tour: Selections

Lynn River, 2012

Mud and Stardust


Mud and Stardust

Feb 20, 2016 to May 22, 2016

Plan Your Visit: Check our Holiday and Summer Hours for July & August!

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