
Private: Rod Mireau

Originally from Saskatchewan, Rod Mireau now makes Peterborough his home.  Since graduating from the Ontario College of Art & Design in 1997, Rod has had many exhibitions including a 2018 show at the Art Gallery of Peterborough.   Other credits include exhibitions at XEXE gallery and the 2017 Artists Project Art Fair in Toronto. Rod participates in the Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition. His work is held in private collections in Toronto, Brooklyn, and Dubai.

“I create sculptures using both traditional woodworking techniques and modern wood shaping applications. I have begun to introduce new materials including metals, plastics and paint. While wood continues to be central in my work, this use of a more diverse range of materials allows me to explore new sculptural possibilities and opens up my work to a broader dialogue.”


Wood sculpture made from carved wood pieces that have been stained and charred

Seeds, 2018, ash, walnut, charred wood, fibreglass, 6 ft. diameter



Selections: 35th Annual Kawartha Autumn Studio Tour

Peer Christensen, Park & Lansdowne St., Peterborough, oil on canvas, 2019

Rod Mireau: Signs of Life

Gallery view, Rod Mireau: Signs of Life. Photo by Priam Thomas.

Rod Mireau: Signs of Life

Jun 29, 2018 to Oct 3, 2018

Plan Your Visit: Check our Holiday and Summer Hours for July & August!

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