
Private: Rosemary Dunning

painting of orange and purple flowers with green foliage below

Dancing Sumac, 2019, oil on canvas with epoxy resin, 16″ x 16″

About the artist:

Rosemary Dunning is a visual artist who works primarily in oil, acrylic and mixed media. At present her practice consists of small and medium sized works mostly residential in scale, unlike her former large scale corporate pieces. Her studio is located in Lakefield Ontario.

She was the former coordinator and instructor of the Design Foundation Program at Humber College in Toronto. She holds Bachelor of English Literature and Fine Art degrees from York University and post graduate studies at Atkinson College and OCAD in related fields of Fine Art and Design.

Her work reflects movement and light in abstract lyrical images drawn mainly from landscape and she relies on her sketchbook drawings to build vibrant compositions. Her Royal Conservatory background is also evident in much of her work.


It’s All About ART Online Auction Preview

Bronson Smith - All about Art Online Auction 2021

Selections: 37th Annual Kawartha Autumn Studio Tour Exhibition

Installation view of KAST Selections exhibition. From Left: Paul Nabuurs, Bronson Smith, David Hickey

Plan Your Visit: Check our Holiday and Summer Hours for July & August!

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