
Private: Sara Washbush

About the Artist:

Sara Washbush has an MFA degree from NSCAD University and a BFA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison specializing in silversmithing.

“I love working silver, pewter, copper and gold by bending, stretching, and hammering. Plasticity is central to my work as it relates to my materials, the skills I use to make (raising, forming), and it is also a metaphor for what occurs in human minds while learning. Plasticity is about change. Change can either be ugly or beautiful, and my work tries to eventually strive for beauty or refinement to communicate completion. I try to balance delicacy with strength as I resolve the form and texture of each piece.”


Selections: 35th Annual Kawartha Autumn Studio Tour

Peer Christensen, Park & Lansdowne St., Peterborough, oil on canvas, 2019

Plan Your Visit: Check our Holiday and Summer Hours for July & August!

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