
Private: Shelley Brown

About the Artist:

Shelley Brown studied drawing and painting part time at OCADU and the Toronto School of Art in the 1990’s. After more than 30 years representing illustrators, in 2019 she sold i2i Art Inc. (the agency she founded) and decided to focus full time on her own art practice. She continues her self-directed education by attending workshops with professional artists both in person and online.

Living in Peterborough, Ontario, surrounded by rivers, lakes and the dramatic landscape, Shelley draws her inspiration from the local geography and the cycles of nature. Whether stylized realism or abstractions, her muse is the landscape.



It’s All About ART: Preview Exhibition

Indwelling, 2022, mixed media, 36" x 36" (from the 2022 exhibition: Between the Lines)

It’s All About ART: Preview Exhibition

Oct 6, 2023 to Oct 22, 2023

Plan Your Visit: Check our Holiday and Summer Hours for July & August!

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