
Private: Susan Gold

Susan Gold is a practising artist and professor of visual art at the University of Windsor. Her current interests are in the museum culture of display, and this has her looking into natural history display as a parallel form of cultural representation. With grant support she has travelled widely to gather material for mixed media installation work which has been exhibited at regional galleries, artist-run centres, and in alternative sites, such as natural history museums internationally. Gold Smith has an active interest in alternative economies of cultural representation and creating art outside of the dominant hierarchical “art market.” These include site-specific installation, artist-run culture, correspondence art, and performance. Her current projects include organizing an annual city-wide festival, MayWorks Windsor, which celebrates the artist as worker, and a projected solo exhibition at the McIntosh Gallery, University of Western Ontario and its new natural history facility.


Land Marks

Six Degrees of Separation (detail)

Land Marks

Jan 24, 2015 to Mar 22, 2015

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