
Private: Tim Merrett

Tim Merrett is a Canadian artist living in Peterborough, Ontario where he maintains his studio.  He studied graphic design at George Brown College, and collage and life drawing at the Ontario College of Art and Design.  He has also studied Art History at Athabasca University.  In late 1996, he began an apprenticeship under renowned painter David Bierk (1944 – 2002), where he developed and perfected his painting skills until 2002.  Since 2000, Tim has had numerous solo exhibitions in cities across North America, including Boston, Montreal, Toronto, New York City, San Francisco, and Edmonton.  He has also participated in group shows and art fairs in London (UK), Miami, New York City, Toronto, Chicago, Calgary and Ottawa.  He is currently represented in galleries across North America.  His work can be found in numerous corporate and private collections in Canada, the US, Europe, and Asia.  In 2011, he work was selected to appear in a new Canadian art textbook “Art Works.” Tim’s last major solo exhibition took place at Christine Klassen Gallery in Calgary, AB in May of 2014.

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