
Private: Wayne Eardley

About the Artist:

Wayne Eardley is a Montreal-born, award-winning photographer and filmmaker living in Peterborough. Throughout his career, Wayne travelled the world with camera in hand. His use of multiple formats kept him busy creating original looks that found their way into corporate offices and private collections. Today, working mostly in digital format, the principles of his work have remained the same: understand the subject, understand the way the subject interacts with the world and create a visual link between the two. Wayne Eardley’s Caribou series of photographs document the recent dismantling and repurposing of the General Electric plant in Peterborough, and were featured in two exhibitions at the Art Gallery of Peterborough in 2016.


Caribou II

Ceiling Windows, 2014

Caribou II

Jun 4, 2016 to Sep 4, 2016

Caribou I

Daniel on Steamplant Roof

Caribou I

Feb 20, 2016 to May 22, 2016

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