
Kitten Stories: Illustrations by Eugenie Fernandes

Opening Reception
Sunday November 13, 2011 - 12am to 12am

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Kitten Stories showcases the 3-dimensional mixed media maquettes made by award-winning author and illustrator Eugenie Fernandes (Peterborough), for her series of books by the same name. A graduate of the School of Visual Arts in New York City, Fernandes has over 80 illustrated books in her name. Animals and landscapes made up of materials such as clay, wood, shells, rocks, feathers, tea, and pine cones create imaginary spaces for her audience.

Fernandes’ stories and illustrations and are characterized by simplicity and charm. Eugenie, who has lived in places as diverse as New York City and a thatch hut in the South Pacific, now lives beside a lake in Ontario. She works in a glass studio surrounded by her favourite things: trees, birds, brushes, water, frogs, sunshine, snow, her family, and there is never a dull moment.

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