
That’s Kinda Like What It Was Like

  • Kiss (detail), 1966, screenprint on Plexi. Gift of Evelyn Aimis, 1992.
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  • Kiss (detail), 1966, screenprint on Plexi. Gift of Evelyn Aimis, 1992.
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Ron Bloore, Gregory Downs, Robert Finch, Micah Lexier, Kristi Malakoff, Janet Martin, Jean Nind, David Partridge, Ted Rettig, Gordon Smith, Jeannie Thib and Andy Warhol

From the Permanent Collection

This exhibition explores the edges between representation and non-representation. Through the use of reduction, repetition, gesture, and intuitive response, the artists create compositions that speak to our lived experience. Whether presenting the intimacy of a kiss or the simplicity of a table, these artists find universality in minutiae.

Plan Your Visit: Check our Holiday and Summer Hours for July & August!

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