
Two if by Sea

Opening Reception
Saturday September 12, 2015 - 2pm to 4pm

Artist Talk
Friday September 18, 2015 - 6pm to 7pm

  • Coastal Village Series
  • Coastal Dwellings (detail), Sea Series, 2011, graphite on paper
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  • Coastal Village Series
  • Coastal Dwellings (detail), Sea Series, 2011, graphite on paper
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Sarah Gibeault

Part of the Emerging Peterborough series

This exhibition presents drawing and sculpture by Sarah Gibeault. Two if by Sea considers place through a series of vignettes of Eastern Canada. Graphite drawings of villages, constructed from memory and imagination, meander along the ramp. Shelters gather like constellations, invoking community as a human response to landscape.

Sarah Gibeault is a graduate of the NSCAD University. Her work spans representational to abstract. Over the past five years her studio practice has included drawing, painting, sound, sculpture and performance-based work. She has a major in drawing and accordingly places an emphasis on filling blank surfaces.

Plan Your Visit: Check our Holiday and Summer Hours for July & August!

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