
Wall on Wall

  • Untitled No. 3
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September 7 – October 28, 2012

Diana Yoo: Wall on Wall

Opening Reception: Friday September 14, 7 pm to 9 pm

In her photo-based series Wall on Wall, emerging artist Diana Yoo (Peterborough) captures the meeting place of where the surface of a wall begins and ends at the corner of a room. Industrial buildings in various Toronto locations provide the artist with her minimalist subject matter and a predetermined colour palette. Yoo’s framing of fragments of found interior places depict the dual notions of near and far, softness and sharpness, as well as shallow space and deep space.

Diana Yoo explains, “My work deals with the spatial divide between inside and outside. I am interested in how vision reveals the spatial context of where we are and where we may not go. Boundaries, architectural structures and interior/exterior corners are themes that I am interested in; where does space begin and end? How do notions of positive and negative space cause divergent connotations in the mind of the viewer?”

Plan Your Visit: Check our Holiday and Summer Hours for July & August!

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