
Private: Daniel Griffin Hunt

About the Artist:

Daniel Griffin Hunt’s practice is intrinsically about relationships. He holds an MFA from the University of Guelph and a BA from the University of Toronto at Scarborough (UTSC). He is a founding member of Y+ Contemporary in Scarborough. He is interested in the relationship objects have with each other and the relationship we (as humans) share with these objects. He is a passive observer, but a persistent one, taking the role of the listener – a position in which he both listens to and instructs materials to build systems. Sometimes, he is an active listener, taking the material intelligence of forms and helping shape them into another construction. Sometimes he is a passive listener, putting multiple elements in play and letting time and the materials do the rest. When he is actively listening, the forms are relatively straightforward in construction. Materials are stacked, sliced, stretched, pulled, hollowed out, bent, and twisted.

Lives and works in Guelph.


Glimmers of the Radiant Real

Cloud Cell, Freshwater pearls, monofilament thread, aluminum, 96” x 45” x 45”, 2014. Courtesy of the artist.

Glimmers of the Radiant Real

Oct 13, 2018 to Jan 6, 2019

Plan Your Visit: Check our Holiday and Summer Hours for July & August!

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