
Private: Broadbent Sisters

About the Artist:

Joy and Rose Broadbent are multidisciplinary artists based in Toronto. Together, the Broadbent Sisters transform the domestic into dreamlike realms where sparkles are swept and spaces are cleared. They use performance and installation to create interactive experiences that transform “lowly” everyday objects into mystical artifacts. Their unfolding art practise, ‘Clearing Spaces’ examines themes of domestic life, meditation, femininity, religious ritual, and pop spirituality. They have produced multiple exhibitions in the series ‘Clearing Spaces’, which have been shown internationally at the Festival Du Nouveau Cinema, TRAFO Centre for Contemporary Art, the Art Gallery of Ontario, HUNTCLUB, The Gladstone Hotel, and as part of the Sunday Drive Art Projects.

b. 1980’s, Toronto, ON. Live and work in Toronto.


Glimmers of the Radiant Real

Cloud Cell, Freshwater pearls, monofilament thread, aluminum, 96” x 45” x 45”, 2014. Courtesy of the artist.

Glimmers of the Radiant Real

Oct 13, 2018 to Jan 6, 2019

Plan Your Visit: Check our Holiday and Summer Hours for July & August!

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