
Private: Catherine Telford Keogh

About the Artist:

Catherine Telford Keogh’s work explores the visual and material language of objects, and their physical and psychological relationship to the body through sculpture and video. She received her MFA in Sculpture from Yale (2011), MA in Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies from Yale (2013) and BA in Fine Art from the University of Waterloo. Recent exhibitions include FLAT FOOD at Roberta Pelan (solo), Rot: Compost and Surgery at the Seattle Art Museum, WA; Bronx Calling, Bronx Museum, NYC; Legal Tender, The Alice, WA and Video Snack, Vox Populi, Philadelphia, PA. Telford-Keogh currently lives and works in Toronto.

b. 1986, Mississauga, ON. Lives and works in Toronto


Glimmers of the Radiant Real

Cloud Cell, Freshwater pearls, monofilament thread, aluminum, 96” x 45” x 45”, 2014. Courtesy of the artist.

Glimmers of the Radiant Real

Oct 13, 2018 to Jan 6, 2019

Plan Your Visit: Check our Holiday and Summer Hours for July & August!

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