
Private: Cole Swanson

graphic rendering of an organic form using natural pigments on natural paper with white frame.

Eighteenth Meditation, 2021, hand-prepared mineral colours on wasli paper, 7.5″ x 6.5″ (unframed dimensions)

About the Artist:

Cole Swanson is an artist and educator based in Toronto, Ontario. Through a multidisciplinary, collaborative, and materially-focused practice, he explores interspecies dynamics evolving in the so-called anthropocene.

Swanson has exhibited works in national and international institutions on four continents and is two-time arts fellow through the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute for his research on natural materials, miniature painting, fresco, and earth pigments. With a sustainable and access-oriented approach to creation and dissemination, Swanson often engages conservationists, scientists, and social/community partners to integrate education and lived experience into the creative process.

Visit Cole Swanson’s Website


It’s All About ART Online Auction Preview

Bronson Smith - All about Art Online Auction 2021

Glimmers of the Radiant Real

Cloud Cell, Freshwater pearls, monofilament thread, aluminum, 96” x 45” x 45”, 2014. Courtesy of the artist.

Glimmers of the Radiant Real

Oct 13, 2018 to Jan 6, 2019

Plan Your Visit: Check our Holiday and Summer Hours for July & August!

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