
Private: Roz Hermant

About the artist:

Roz Hermant is a Peterborough-based photographer and mixed media artist. She completed her degree in photography at the Emily Carr University of Art & Design in Vancouver. Always searching for what makes a captivating photograph, Roz is a firm believer that the best camera there is, is the one you have with you.

“Light and time have long been my mediums. They are delicate and ephemeral as well as heavy and perpetual, possessing the capacity to reveal or conceal based on their presence or absence. In my newest mixed media work they become subjects in my exploration of how our views can change. Inspired by the patterns, textures and natural elements in my surrounding environments I use a variety of sculpturally shaped transparent and reflective fabrics to create changing representational and abstracted views that illustrate how we are capable of truly adapting our perceptions.” – Roz Hermant


Kawartha Autumn Studio Tour: Selections

Miguel Hernández Autorino, Why I Left, 2022, oil on canvas KAST 2022 Selections Exhibition

Kawartha Autumn Studio Tour: Selections

Jul 9, 2022 to Oct 2, 2022

It’s All About ARTISTS Preview Exhibition

String Theory, 2015, monotype on paper, 22" x 28"

Selections: 35th Annual Kawartha Autumn Studio Tour

Peer Christensen, Park & Lansdowne St., Peterborough, oil on canvas, 2019

33rd Annual Kawartha Autumn Studio Tour: Selections

Lynn River, 2012

Kawartha Autumn Studio Tour: Selections

John Climenhage, Kawartha Autumn Studio Tour, 2014

Kawartha Autumn Studio Tour: Selections

Sep 19, 2014 to Oct 19, 2014

Plan Your Visit: Check our Holiday and Summer Hours for July & August!

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