
Private: Xiaojing Yan

About the Artist:

Xiaojing Yan is a China born Toronto based artist. She received her MFA in Sculpture from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA and BFA  from Nanjing Arts Institution, China. As an artist migrating from China to North America, both her identity and her work pass through the complex filters of different countries, languages, and cultural expectations. In an effort to shape herself, she takes traditional Chinese materials and techniques and reinvents them within a contemporary aesthetic and presentation. Yan’s sculptures have been exhibited in galleries and museums in China, Canada and United States. Yan is the recipient of numerous grants including most recently the Chalmers Arts Fellowship from Ontario Arts Council and Project Grant to Visual Artists from Canada Council for the Arts.

b. 1970s, China. Lives and works in Markham


Glimmers of the Radiant Real

Cloud Cell, Freshwater pearls, monofilament thread, aluminum, 96” x 45” x 45”, 2014. Courtesy of the artist.

Glimmers of the Radiant Real

Oct 13, 2018 to Jan 6, 2019

Plan Your Visit: Check our Holiday and Summer Hours for July & August!

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