
Private: Sarah Gibeault

Sarah Gibeault is a graduate of the NSCAD University. Her work spans representational to abstract. Over the past five years her studio practice has included drawing, painting, sound, sculpture and performance-based work. She has a major in drawing and accordingly places an emphasis on filling blank surfaces. Gibeault was a Peterborough-based artist who has recently relocated to New York City.

In her painting she has explored forms from nature that, when expressed, lack a clear or definite representation. This results in mysterious and often imponderable outcomes. Drawing from landscape forms, both the manicured and the wild have become points of departure for her.  Abstracting our green space and manicuring some of its shapes, her work becomes fantastical and mysterious. Her attraction to colour and its deviation from truthfulness makes the work even more fanciful and informal. Gibeault’s work has recently been featured at the AGP (Two if by Sea, fall 2015), Artspace (Sometimes the Story is Obvious, fall 2015) and at Christensen Fine Art (Land Series, spring 2016).



Ways Through: from the Permanent Collection

Rita Letendre, XVI, 1982, pastel on paper

Two if by Sea

Coastal Village Series

Two if by Sea

Sep 12, 2015 to Nov 1, 2015

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